Gives you effortless access to a curated shortlist of caregivers best suited for each open visit.
Lets you match caregivers to open visits based on key insights (availability, match quality) and take actionable next steps (review, contact and assign).
Caregivers can opt into alerts that notify them of open visits and choose which ones they’d like to fill based on their interests while making sure schedulers are warned of any potential errors.
Caregivers can add, remove or pause medication with automatic checks for drug interactions and/or allergies.
Caregivers can access checklists, update certifications and log medication administration, ensuring seamless updates to the MAR.
To create a dynamic tool for caregivers, we partnered with nurses to ensure the flexibility and information needed in the field.
Save time and create efficiency with a streamlined system that is ready to unite every part of your business.
Take advantage of advanced billing capabilities that integrate with multiple provider types.
Amplify your payroll process with a system made to handle state, overtime, travel and other inputs.
Take informed action in the moment with real-time data to drive operational decisions for multi-site and multi-business operations.
Go beyond high-level insights and drill down to the details of your data.
When any type of data in your system is configurable, you can customize and configure reports to meet your specific objectives and operating model.
Keep your remote workforce in constant communication while simultaneously maintaining the right documentation.
Make sure important information is accurately communicated to your whole team. Now, everyone can see when changes to care plans, shifts and much more are made and read.
Our intelligent and automated assistant is ready to help you get responses to important questions and retrieve vital information—letting you focus on other tasks.